12 September 2011

Teaching toddler to kindergarten kiddos this summer all about fruits and veggies is always a highlight for me. From eating a rainbow-a- day to reading "the carrot seed". Some funny faces were made while tasting beet juice and plenty of yums from the carrot juice. It's amazing to watch their lil brains work, watch and listen to where our veggies come from. They loved playing with seeds, planting them and checking out my root display. Luckily our local farm had plenty of just pulled up veggies on hand. The kiddies checked out what a real carrot, greens and all, looks like as well as beets, plus a crazy potato we let go in our kitchen.
The answers to my question of what's your favorite veggie? is funny but more disturbing; chocolate, pine cone, popsicle? My answer: at least they are at a learning center that is open enough to have a mom come in and share some organic ideas. And by the end of the 30 minutes they have eaten a rainbow, watched a seed grow and grew their very own carrot colored mustache'.