25 November 2008

The White Temptress

I admit it I have been snippy lately. There are lots of things I could blame it on. But I hate placing blame so instead I took action. First I went for an acupuncture treatment to get all evened out. Secondly I talked to my homeopathic doctor. She suggested my mostly vegan diet wasn't working for my current lifestyle, nursing and all. Fish Oil here I come. Thirdly I became more aware of when I would snap. Mostly at my awesome hubby. And there lied the answer. Sugar- The White Temptress. When feeling stressed I reached for a soy chai or a Boston Cookie or a Tofu Cutie. Sugar. Could it be? My mirage was made up of pure white sugar. As the planets aligned themselves a lecture on just that, Sugar, was happening Thursday nite at Curtis Hall just up the road. Hannah a local nutritionist was offering this talk for free. So I headed up there, kid in lap. And I listened in disbelief. My coping mechanism wasn't solving a thing. Not only was it not solving a thing for me but I learned it is making us all sick & me crazy. Literally. Crazy statistic here; The average American eats, ready? 172 lbs. OF SUGAR A YEAR!!! Not me you say? Read your lables. The grams quickly turn into pounds. Sugar is linked pretty much to every major illness and pretty much every processed food we come across. Yet another reason to get back to the garden. In the meantime Hannah suggested a few coping steps when a craving hits. 1. Deep breath in and out. 2. Drink Water- Chug 2 glasses and see how you feel. Still craving? 3. Ask yourself why? 4. Prepare your craving. Get a plate, set the atmosphere, sit down and enjoy. I love it, no sense denying constantly. But being more aware may help you on your journey to cutting down that 172 lbs. a year. Wish me luck. So far so good. My box of chai is sitting there while my rooibus is running out. Thanks Hannah looking fw to more wisdom from you real soon. Check out Hannah-health.com for more info on her booming business.